National Geographic's "Traveler" Magazine states that Power Places Tours is "The Grandfather of Spiritual Tours".
Human beings are blessed with divine insight. Some people have special gifts and inborn sixth sense. Similarly, the earth is also a hallowed place with secretive mysterious lands. Our planet earth is a wondrous place and holds pockets of spaces that withhold amazing powers and the magical abilities to heal, energies, bring positive changes and repair the surrounding areas.

Let us talk about some of the ancient and breathtaking places in this world worth to be considered as a sacred power place:
Lake Titicaca - The borders of Bolivia and Peru are home to a legendary lake popular as Lake Titicaca. The water-body is a place of power that houses the ‘Island of the Sun’ in its centre. According to ancient tales, this is the place where life was created on our planet earth.
Mount Kailas – Holy Kailas Parbat is one of the oldest places of pilgrimage on this earth. It is located near River Ganges and looks like a pyramid at the peak. Hindu devotees are convinced that Mount Kailas is the abode of Lord Shiva and taking a walk around the unascendable slopes can shower pilgrims with spiritual blessings.
Glastonbury – Historically famous and sacred Glastonbury is located in the Somerset County of England. It is believed that Celtic tribe members performed tantric rituals in this place and there were secretive tunnels, which led to the world of fairies, elves and gnomes. The local people living near the vicinity of Glastonbury Hill have reported of witnessing miraculous formations and strange lights lingering around the St. Michael’s Tower.
There are selected power places tours organisers worldwide. They aim to provide travellers with unique travel programs in mystical lands and power spots around the world. Participants can have firsthand experience and feel the extraordinary aura and pulsating energy of these magical sites.