Created almost 35 years ago, Power Places Tours, is an organization of international authorities who pioneered the concept of “experiential” journeys to the world’s leading spiritual destinations and power places. So whenever the term of power places is written, even in our name, please put the small “R” with a circle. Please send me an email with a sample of power places with the small R so I know that my communication is clear. Thank you!)]] They ensure that you just not visit the ancient temple or site, but experience it. The term ‘power place’ was first coined by Dr. Toby Weiss in 1979, inspired by the energies embued in Cozumel, the ancient Mayan sacred island of the goddess Ixchel in the Yucatan peninsula. Power Places Tours is now popularly known for their unique transformative custom travel programs around potent spiritual and sacred sites of the world. Power Places Tours “take you by the hand” as you explore these extraordinary ancient sites filled with mystical energies.
What makes Power Places Tours unique is their precision in their planning, creation and execution of their custom journeys, creating life changing experiences on site for their clients. Power Places Tours was acknowledged as the “Granddaddy of spiritual tours” by “National Geographic’s” Traveler Magazine in 2006. They have gained world-wide recognition from international newspapers, magazines and journals including “The New York Times,” “Newsweek,” ‘The Wall Street Journal’, “The Los Angeles Times,” “USA Today,” “San Francisco Chronicle” “Longevity,” plus more. Their popularity has also extended toward television coverages being featured on CNN’s “Travel Guide” and in CBS’s “Eye-to-Eye” with Connie Chung.
Power Places Tours offer you unique travel programs, “pilgrimages” in a sense, taking you to ancient temples, pyramids and special “nature” spots around the world which will catapult you to never to be forgotten “peak moments.”
Power Places Tours has gained expertise in transforming lives of many people by including spiritual seminars, and on-site transformative workshops with prominent transformational teachers and speakers. These custom group tours provide an opportunity to allow mystical experiences where “window” open to allow you get to dive deep inside your unconsciousness, accessing your “wisdom within.” Power Places Tours has made outstanding contributions to the concept of “meaningful” travel, literally taking “experiential travel” to the next level…meaningful, revealing, inspiring, and rejuvenating for the spirit, body and mind. It is no wonder that tens of thousands of clients have returned home with a fresh perspective, new insights and a sense of inner power to shift into a new life that they had only dreamed of previously!
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